How Joy can help you
I’m Joy Egilson. I’m an athletic and exercise therapist in Victoria, BC.
I currently work with clients who are looking for individualized exercise therapy in their home. Some are concerned with loss of strength, mobility and or balance as they age. Some are recovering from joint replacement or are looking for an individualized exercise plan in order to deal with various musculoskeletal issues. Often, these needs go hand-in-hand. My unique approach and training enables me to meet both of these needs – providing treatment for aches and pains that get in the way of exercise, while tailoring exercises around issues such as joint replacement or an ongoing health issue.
Many of my clients are men who are dealing with prostate cancer, including men with metastatic cancer. I also work with older adults who are concerned about improving their balance and maintaining their strength and mobility.
We start with a complimentary phone call in order to explore you issues and goals, and to answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you would like more information or you are wondering if I can help you.
My qualifications
Some of my qualifications are:
- Modern Management of the Older Adult Certification – CERT-MMOA – Institute of Clinical Exercise, 2023
- Bachelor of Athletic and Exercise Therapy – Camosun College, 2016
- Certified Athletic Therapist – Canadian Athletic Therapists Association, 2016
- Certified Exercise Physiologist – Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, 2016
- Bachelor of Social Work, University of Calgary, 1984
Additional coursework:
- Thrive Health: Cancer and Exercise Training (online) – Calgary AB, 2016
- Prostate Cancer PD: a professional development course for exercise specialists (online) – Prue Cormie, Australia, 2019
- Exercise and Bone Metastases – Sarah Weller, Prostate Cancer Supportive Care Program – Vancouver, 2020
- Modern Management of the Older Adult: Essential Foundations (online) – Institute of Clinical Excellence, 2020
- Modern Management of the Older Adult: Live (in-person lab) – Institute of Clinical Excellence, 2021
- Modern Management of the Older Adult: Advanced Concepts – Institute of Clinical Excellence, 2022
My experience includes:
- Exercise Physiologist with the Victoria Prostate Cancer Supportive Care Program from it’s inception in 2017 to March 2021
- Exercise Physiologist with the Vancouver Prostate Cancer Supportive Care Program from November 2021 to present
- Exercise Physiologist with the Island Prostate Centre Cancer Recovery Exercise Program from September 2016 to present.
My approach
When you hire me, I will either come to your home to work with you there, or work with you virtually. This gives you several advantages:
- You don’t have to go out. This is important if you are dealing with a painful injury, or perhaps waiting for or recovering from joint replacement surgery. (Post surgery: Even though it may be too early for active rehabilitation, there is gentle range of motion work to be done, and other, uninvolved body parts that need to keep active. I can help you do this.)
- We build the exact routine you will follow. Tying your exercises to routines and cues that already exist in your home and lifestyle will help you adhere to your exercise program. I will help you with all the logistics of exactly where and how you are going to exercise, and how this will fit into your everyday routine.
- I recognize that your needs are specific to your situation – which may include medical treatments and possible side effects of treatment. I am experienced and comfortable in finding ways to incorporate the beneficial effects of physical activity into your experience.
After an initial complementary phone call, we meet virtually or in your home for a more thorough assessment and to gather some baseline measures. I will develop a plan for you and then meet with you twice a week to teach you specific exercises selected for you. As you become stronger, I progress and tailor your exercise plan to any issues or limitations that we need to consider.
When I work with you I will listen to your story, respect your needs, and develop a program that will work for you.
Would you like to work with me? Use my contact form to get in touch, or call me at 250-858-0869 for a complimentary consult.